


Updated June 2022

Information for those requiring certified degree / education certificates for Qatar

For education documentation going to Qatar there are very specific requirements. They request the certificate, a transcript and a covering letter. 


1.    all the modules or subjects you studied in each year

2.    the marks or grades you achieved for each module

3.    the credit value and level of each module.

The academic transcript should be stamped or signed by the registry of your previous institution and be on official letter-headed paper. If you do not have an academic transcript you will need to contact your previous institution to request one.


The purpose of the letter is to ensure that the documentation refers to a taught and examined course and not simply a correspondence or attendance course. I would recommend pasting the following to your awards team to assist them. If you are doing this by email then you may wish to copy me in to the email and ask that they “reply to all” with any questions. (amend the information as relevant. If the location of exams or format of studies needs amendment then please let me know before sending the template as certain formats and examination types will not be acceptable to the Qatari authorities. 

Letter Template

To whom it may concern,

I write this letter in my capacity as [insert job title eg. examinations administrator] of [name of university].

I have accessed the records of [Name of candidate] and can confirm the following:-

Course name – [eg MSc in Mathematics]

Grade awarded – [eg 2:i]

Location of studies – [eg 1 College Road, Collegetown, A1 2BC & other sites within the University of X campus]

Location of examinations – On campus (in person and supervised by university approved invigilators

Mode of studies – Full time

Format of studies – Face to face learning

We trust this is clear and satisfactory.

Yours faithfully,

Please contact us if you have any any questions.

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